Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 5- Project Management class, Discussion of skit for interaction, SNOW FALL

Hi everyone, as for today, SoonLing, WeiQin and I went for breakfast at the stores at the back of our hostel because the rest of them weren't ready at that time. We had porridge (香菇瘦肉粥)which cost only 2rmb each! The temperature was about 1 degree today, and what's more? It started snowing during the evening, and it is the best thing we had ever experience since the first day in Wuhan as we just missed one short snow fall 2 days ago.

First lesson of project management class! From 9am-11am, continuing with 12.30pm-4pm! It's tiring as everyone didn't really catch much sleep the previous night. A 5.5hour straight of class. Ms Neo taught a chapter and we did 4 assignments in a go! We learnt AON, Statement of Work, Work Breakdown structure. Class ended at 4pm but we stayed back to discuss about the skit we were about to perform tomorrow at 7pm for the interaction between the local students and the 21 of us. We came to a conclusion and then went off for dinner before meeting again.

I was looking out of the open window with WeiQin at the classroom when we suddenly saw small snowflakes flying around. "Hey, there's snow!" Everyone went rushing towards the window to catch a glimpse of it! It's a rare opportunity as one of the local lecturer said that the weather will be turning warmer starting from tomorrow.

Snow fall! It was getting heavier when the time pass, and everyone decided to snap pictures of it. It's beautiful! Along our way, we went into a local fast food restaurant to try out the set meal. Ate a set meal which includes a burger, hot orange juice, 3 sticks of chicken satay and some boneless chicken pieces which cost me 16rmb.
The fast food restaurant.
Went into a bakery to buy a cake as supper.

After which, 2 of the groups, including mine, gathered at a room to start our planning and discussion. Halfway through, the snow was even heavier that everyone ran out with our cameras.

We'll be rehearsing tomorrow from 11-6pm for our part in the skit after the project management class.

Today is a cold day.

I felt that today can be the best of all experience in this Wuhan trip because Singapore is a country with tropical climate all around the year. We won't be able to experience this kind of weather and snow fall.

Day 4- Theme Park

8March, Sunday

Hi everyone, today it is free and easy again. Hence, the nine of us planned to meet at 12pm the previous night to hunt out the location of Wuhan with the local students. The temperature was about 4 degree. We woke up later than usual. Ate the bread that we bought from the bakery yesterday as breakfast.

We decided to go to the theme park (Zhong Shan Gong Yuan) with the other group; the people from S04. Set off at 12 plus pm, divided into groups and then hired a private car to take us there. However, because it's a Sunday today and there are many people and vehicles hanging around the theme park area, the driver dropped us at the street near the theme park and told us to walk and make our way there.
In the private car.
Winnie, WeiQin

ISCM and Lmgt

S01 and S02!

Had a little misunderstanding of the direction to the theme park by the passer-by and so, we spent some time walking on the streets to find the underpass to cross over to the other side due to the heavy traffic. Finally, we made our way there while the others had reached earlier.

Didn't really have normal lunch, we started our day with exciting and thrilling rides such as 360° turn Roller Coaster and much more. Together with the rest, I sat about 5 rides with each ride and spent about 60rmb for those rides, which is cheaper than the entrance ticket at Escape theme park where you get entertained by those rides.
Comparison of theme park between Wuhan and Singapore, in Wuhan:
  1. Free entrance to the theme park.
  2. Rides are paid separately and individually; if you're interested to go for it, you just have to pay for the one that you wanted to ride on at the time.
  3. Tickets are issued when payment is made at the counter, and it is taken back for checking when boarding the ride. Just like one in pasam malam.
The last ride caused everyone to feel uncomfortable when we came down because of the operation; spinning all the time and almost at a 90° position.

Before the roller coaster ride.

After the ride. Indeed a nice experience.

The local students were hungry too after the rides, hence, they suggested to go to a certain place for buffet. It cost us about 53rmb each. Private cars and taxis had become our major transportation in Wuhan which helped us travel from one destination to another. Enjoyed our dinner there.
Got a picture on the way.
It supposed to be no alcohol is allowed to bring in. Haha!
After which, we took a public bus back and each time the majority major pricing is only for 2rmb, which is very cheap unlike a bus trip in Singapore can cost us up to a dollar or so for a trip. Due to a Sunday night, there are relatively more people getting home at that time. Hence, everyone rushed and squeezed into the bus when it came to a stop. This scene is not usually being seen in Singapore as no matter what, despite alot of people is boarding the bus, people will queue orderly to board. I guess we have to give our very best try to fight for our places in a public bus if we're on our own ourselves.

It's a tiring day today, thus we reached the hostel earlier than usual and without shopping.

After visiting the theme park, I found out that people in Wuhan or in fact maybe China may look upon family as a priority. It seems like people are gathering there and have fun on a Sunday afternoon. In Singapore, I felt that because the flow of life is faster than anything else, some families may not have the time to have an outing or so together and that one would only either stay at home revising, or that parents are not free to organize this kind of activities for their children. It is important to have family bonding and I think that we Singaporeans should learn from them by slowing down our pace in life and that to contribute more to the time with family members.