Our intention was to have MacDonald breakfast in the morning. But by the time we reached there at 10am, there were only hotcakes and some spicy chicken burger left for breakfast. The person at the counter told us that breakfast ends at 10am. So, we decided to try out the value meal from 15rmb onwards at 11am. Roamed down the streets till the time came. Tried the new thailand spicy chicken burger with egg and of course, our favourite drink that couldn't be found in Singapore- 雪梨冰霜茶.
We had our third IS lesson today at 1pm and were taught about the topic "Doing Business in China". It was an interesting topic, as despite the normal basic knowledge we had about politeness or culture of China, this lesson had gone into another deeper site of having information from the local teacher.
Some of the cultures are:
- Never say no. You should say, "I'll look into it again."
- Do not show anger to the questioner when intrusive questions that concerned sensitivity such as age and income.
Chinese language is still the priority language in China despite English language is slowly being taught in China. There are advantages and disadvantages of doing business in China.
Some advantages are that the economy in China has been growing rapidly and may even take over the strong, famous country which is US. Besides, the population and logistics companies are increasingly growing. Some disadvantages however was that the meaning of what a customer wants and needs, the meaning of quality, how well one can understand the English language used by the opposite party and also that, due to constraints, complicated words should also not be used in either contracts or all other paper works. One example is that in China, quality control can be meant that it generally begins before manufacturing starts so as after having seen the sample ask the supplier what steps he takes to ensure quality control.
We learn that in order to have our business set up successfully in China, we can obtain it through some of the methods of relying on the supplier's quality control, have someone else in your company to do some of the work, or even hire third party logistics to take over the job that are not familiar to your companies so as to focus on the company's financial status instead.
We were also taught of how to export in China. There are 3 ways:
- Distribute goods directly
- Establish a joint venture with the local people
- Find a qualified agent or distributor with a vast sales network.
After that, the Deputy Principal of Ngee Ann Polytechnic came in for a dialogue session with us MDE and ECE.
We could suddenly feel the cold strong wind beating onto our faces just as we stepped out of the classroom block. After much decision on what and where to have for dinner, we decided to go to 建设一路 for steamboat at 麻辣空间. In total, we spent 308 rmb among 6 person! Everyone of us were so full. The level of customer satisfactory is very good today that the waitress not only serve us with hospitality such that they help us cover our coat, but exceptionally, theyalso gave us rubber bands to tie our long hair, plastic slots to store our phones and even gave us free scope of ice-cream after meal. We did not experience this kind of excellent service the last time we visit there and were shocked.
Different countries have different cultures to what they do which results in different methods of doing business. We should understand deeply instead of on the surface so as to reduce the misunderstanding and miscommunication and give a good impression of what we Singaporeans when collaborating with the locals. However, we should also learn how to judge and differentiate the trust we should hand over to the business partner which is an important factor out of all when doing a business successfully not only at overseas but also in Singapore.