At 9am, we assembled at the classroom block and set off at 9.30am. Riding a bus ride of 1hour, we finally reached the Wuhan University of Science and Technology (黄家湖晓区). Upon reaching the main entrance, we saw a group of friendly students standing together in rows, shouting and clapping as a welcome gift for us enthusiastically. We could feel their hospitality deeply. After taking a group photo, we were asked to pick a card from one of the student leaders’ hand.
On the card, it will be a number and that the number will represent different volunteers from the university. I was too lucky that I picked till the number 1 and my partner was a girl called Tang YaQi. Everyone was asked to walk up into the conference hall, whereby introduction and performances were carried out then. The dance and song by the China student was rather entertaining. However, when it came to our MDE division, it was a last minute inform that we had to perform something in return. Hence, having a quick recap, we performed the dance item we had done for the student from Wuhan University of Science and Technology (青山校区).
Despite our performance item was in a rush and that some parts were disorganized, I heard from my partner of the university that we had lightened the atmosphere such that it was better than what they could do.
We toured around places in the school such as the school’s library museum, canteen for lunch , sports stadium like basketball courts and the medical science laboratory that showed real samples of human parts. After which, we had a small friendly competition together with a mixture of us, students of Ngee Ann and the student leaders of the university. Everyone had an enjoyable time and the event eventually ended at around 4pm. Bidding goodbye to them, we set off back to our school.

The canteen food which tasted much better than the university we were in. The whole meal only cost 9Rmb.

I felt that we are very fortunate to have a good education since young in Singapore. Unlike the students in China, we started our English education as young as when we were in pre-school and that the girls in Singapore do not need to have army-training everytime when they reached a new education level such as in Secondary school or to university. I heard from my student leader volunteer that they, girls and guys, have to experience this kind of treatment under the hot bright sun during summer time which they themselves felt it was tedious and hectic. As for English, despite they have been learning it since Primary school, the standard of it is still improving but not as high as the students in Singapore. It is good to discover new skills and we ought to learn from young to old so as to catch up with not only the society but the whole world.