Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 20- Project Management Class

Hi everyone, the heavy rain greeted us in the morning when we woke up and got ready for class. Strong wind blew and today's temperature is about 7degrees. It's a drastic change of coldness as for the last 2 weeks, the weather had began to change into a hotter mode, where by almost everyday was above 10 degree.

9am to 3.30pm, we had our project management class. We learnt PERT- Program Evaluation and Review Technique, did 2 assignments and a lab. We bought lunch from douluojie where I tried out the claypot noodle with 年糕, mushrooms, chicken and an egg for 6rmb. It was delicious and it had some of the Singapore taste in the soup itself except for the saltiness.

After school, we went back to the hostel to rest and then set off to 建设二路 The Greenery Cafe for our dinner.

We ate a total of 380rmb for beef steaks and baked rice. It was a memorable experience but the food wasn't as great as what we had expected from the ambiance and menu of the restaurant.

We bought 菠萝包 at 5rmb each for tomorrow's breakfast.
The paper bag for the take-away.

Shadow along our way home.

In class today, Ms Neo told us about the feedback of the tour guides after the 2 trips that we had went as a group. She mentioned to us that the tour guide said that Singaporeans are very relax and that we tend to do our things slowly. However, I disagree to what the tour guide felt about us. As a Singaporean, our most famous trade mark will be 'kiasu-ness', hence, despite our speed in doing things may be slower than them, we will still try our best to catch up in everything, just like passing by the gate of the cruise terminal, where the local tour guide blamed us for not walking fast enough together when other China people were pushing us and cutting our pathway to rush in. I felt that our habit of giving way to people when someone is coming into our way or that we tend to say sorry when we knocked into people have become a common issue in our daily lives. So when we're here in China, we could not really change this habit as fast and blend into their culture of doing and rushing things as fast as they could. I think that we ought to defend ourselves and uphold our best image to the others so as not to have any wrong assumptions about our actions.