Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 11- Free and Easy

Hi everyone, I woke up looking at the sky, it was cloudy and was raining. At first the temperature for today is alright, but as the day goes further, the temperature started to drop because of the strong wind and rain. Currently, the temperature is 7 degree now.

We played games till late in the night yesterday, hence, we decided to meet later in the day so that we could catch up on more sleep. It was supposedly that everyone meet at 12pm. However, some overslept and so, we ended up getting everything readied at about 1pm. Had our breakfast cum lunch at duoluojie, the street outside the back gate of the hostel.

After which, we set off having to separate into 2 黑-T (illegal taxi) to 江汉路步行街 to shop. We spent almost all our time there roaming in the shopping malls and down the streets. Our intention was to visit those road side stalls we had been before the previously time again, but, because it was raining, all the road side stores were not set up. We then learn that these stores would not be available on raining days.

We sat a taxi back separately and everyone of us were charged differently. The one I sat on cost us 35rmb to come back to the hostel while the rest only cost them about 28rmb or 30rmb. However, this time round, the driver did interact with us and drove us safely back to the hostel. It was indeed a close shave as we had a bad experience before, not knowing the road of Wuhan and sat on the taxi whereby the driver did not know the way and agreed to send us back. However, at the end, he did not know how to go and dropped us randomly at one of the streets. Luckily we called Dong Xiang for help and also came across a friendly driver who's willing to take us back at 5rmb. Dinner at duoluojie again and I had the 4.5rmb fried rice which consists of egg, chinese sausage and mushroom. It was simple yet delicious and the stall holder was very friendly.

Having many times of experience of hailing a taxi in Wuhan, I found out that the taxi in Singapore had already obtain a high level of customer service such that the driver know how and where to go and reach the customer's specific destination, and also, to have a standard charge for each trip depending on the destination. Besides, the drivers in Singapore had uphold a responsibility of not accepting the customer into the taxi if they do not know how to reach the place. I feel that this attitude had reduced the time and miscommunication between both parties.