Monday, March 1, 2010


Group photo of OIP Batch 4

Hi Everyone, this will be a short but yet, the first post to my blog for this trip. I'm left with three more days to Thursday, which is the start of Day 1 of the immersion programme. It will then also be the start of our adventure. I'll miss my family and my friends! :D
Few months back, I remembered I was signing up for this trip and competing places with the others who were keen about this trip and, here I am, being one of the 21 lucky students who are going to Wuhan on 4th March. Few weeks back, we had a SOE briefing and we were briefed on what our assignment is all about and some video samples that were filmed by the last few batches. VPN and the project management software are also being checked. We had our pre-departure meeting today. The OIP T-shirt, e-ticket, confirmation of flight details, prepared gifts for the students out there in Wuhan are given out to us.

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