Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 13- Project Management Class

Hi everyone, today's temperature is amazingly cooling, with a degree of 10-21. It's currently 19 degree now.

At 9am, we had our project management class till around 11plus. All nine of us decided to go to duoluojie to have our lunch instead of the school's canteen because there's more varieties out there. Had their fried kway tiao whereby the taste of it here is much more salty. During lunch break, we also went to send our clothes to the laundry and because we wanted to save some money and divide the cost equally, we went off bargaining with the auntie from 23Rmb to 21Rmb.

We learnt cost crashing, direct and indirect costs etc. and did 3 assignments in a day. It was rather hectic and we had quite a long day today from 9am-4pm.
Having the thought of not going out far yet to satisfy our craving for 炸酱面, we walked to 建设二路 to have our dinner. We also went to the nearest bakery to buy our breakfast and even tried the do-on-the-spot love letters which cost us 3.50Rmb for 600g despite everyone were quite full from the 4Rmb noodles.

I feel that we should appreciate the price of the food when we're in China not only because our rate is about 5:1, but that we could easily satisfy our stomach in a short distance with a cheap price, whereby, everyday, having a meal of breakfast or lunch or even dinner along the streets are less than SGD$3 . Even their MacDonald have value lunch that cost about 15Rmb, set meals as low as 19/20Rmb. Nowadays, I can say that it is difficult to find such cheap yet filling food around in Singapore that we can save as much as what we're experiencing it now for food.

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