Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 28- Project Management

Hi everyone, it is raining heavily now and hence, the weather is colder than the expected temperature of 12degree.

Had project management class today at 1pm instead. Watched chapter 1 ad 17 of Elizabeth, the golden age in class and was told to write a reflection related to our project management module. Ms Neo taught us about the next chapter on communication.

Lesson ended at 4pm and we went to send our apology to the WUST staffs and also, including the ECE teacher and Ms Neo. After which, because of the bad weather, we decided to go to duoluojie to take-away dinner. I had 卤肉叉烧饭 but I find it that it did not taste as good because they only contained beancurd and I could hardly find a single piece of meat in it.

Went back to hostel early to study for my practical test on the following day. Halfway through, all our local student leaders came up to our room all of a sudden to chat with us. All of us had an enjoyable time as we had not seen all of them coming together for a long time.

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